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| 4-Vectors | Ambigrams | Antipodes | Covert Ops Fragments | Cyrillic Projector | Forced Induction (Sums Of Powers Of Integers) | Fractal Tree | Frontiers | IFS Fractals (Assembly) | IFS Fractals (Javascript) | JavaScript Graphics | Kid Science | Kryptos | Philosophy | Photography | Physics-Planck Constant Measurement Via LEDs | Prime Sieve | QM from SR | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap (PDF) | SR 4-Vector &Tensor Calculator |Quantum Phase | Quotes | RuneQuest Cipher Challenge | Secret Codes &Ciphers | Scientific Calculator (complex capable) | Science+Math | Sci-Pan Pantheist Poems | Stereograms | SuperMagicSqr4x4 |Turkish Grammar |Melike Wilson Art

Site last modified: 2021-Oct

Welcome to Relativistic Quantum Reality: Virtual worlds of imaginary particles: The dreams stuff is made of: Life,the eternal ghost in the machine...
This site is dedicated to the quest for knowledge and wisdom, through science, mathematics, philosophy, invention, and technology. 
May the treasures buried herein spark the fires of imagination like the twinkling jewels of celestial light crowning the midnight sky...

Quantum Mechanics is derivable from Special Relativity
See SRQM - QM from SR - Simple RoadMap (.html)
See SRQM - QM from SR - Simple RoadMap (.pdf)
See SRQM - QM from SR - Summary (.pdf)
See SRQM - Fundamental Constants (.pdf)
See SRQM - Online SR 4-Vector & Tensor Calculator
See Online Complex-capable RPN Scientific Calculator

***Learn, Discover, Explore***

See also these Math/Physics Javascript programs:

Atomic Line Spectra Simulation:
Used to measure the value of the fundamental Planck Constant (h) of Quantum Mechanics

White light, as from a candle, a fire, or the sun, has been known for several centuries to be composed of many different colors.
This property can be examined by shining such light through a prism, which then splits the light into its component parts.
A rainbow of colors is created, and in fact, the sky rainbow itself is a natural phenomenon which produces this color splitting.
Each color takes a slightly different path through the prism, or a raindrop, based on its particular WaveLength.
Classical ElectroMagnetic theory & Special Relativity show that light has [ WaveLength*Frequency = λ*ν = (c) = Speed of Light in vacuum].
Red (scarlet) = Longer WaveLength = Smaller Frequency
Violet (purple) = Shorter WaveLength = Higher Frequency
with: WaveLength (λ) = distance between each crest of the wave; Frequency (ν) = how often a wave's crests pass a given point in space.
We see that the resulting light component's color depends on its particular WaveLength.


In the experiment simulated below, one observes the wavelengths of the various atomic spectral lines of a single electron atom.
Note that the colorization is by group, not by the actual WaveLength color. However, the Visible Spectrum is shown at the top.
From the top downward, we see:
The Visible part of the Spectrum, located above the Balmer Series, or H series 2
The Alpha (α) for a given series, where outer=inner+1, considered the start point for a given series
The Element Spectra colored by series, defined by the inner #. Each series has single Alpha starting on right and ending in continuous band on the left
The "outer" #
The "inner" #
The series # = the inner #, and the Discover's name when available
The WaveLength in [nm], on a log scale


Hydrogen Series:
Helium Series:
Exotic Series:
Calculate Planck's constant (h) by the following formula: h = 3√[ { λ }*{ (Z2*mreduced*e4)/(8*εo2*c) }*{ (outer2-inner2)/(outer2*inner2)} ]
This is just the Spectral Line WaveLength (λ) * some known Physical Constants * a purely numerical pattern scheme


The graph below is the Hydrogen Atomic Line Transitions based on Energy scale.
The electron resides at one of the energy levels (n), and then "jumps" to another, either absorbing (n↑) or emitting (n↓) a photon of characteristic wavelength.

The graph below is the Hydrogen Atomic Line Transitions based on radius about the atom center.
The electron resides at one of the energy levels (n), and then "jumps" to another, either absorbing (n↑) or emitting (n↓) a photon of characteristic wavelength.

SRQM+Measure Planck's Constant : Four-Vector SR Quantum RoadMap
SRQM+Measure Planck's Constant : Four-Vector SR Quantum RoadMap

SiteMap of SciRealm | About John | Send email to John
John's Science,Math,Philosophy Stuff:
The Science Realm: John's Virtual Sci-Tech Universe
| 4-Vectors | Ambigrams | Antipodes | Covert Ops Fragments | Cyrillic Projector | Forced Induction (Sums Of Powers Of Integers) | Frontiers | IFS Fractals | JavaScript Graphics | JavaScript Graphics Using Table | Kid Science | Kryptos | Philosophy | Photography | Prime Sieve | QM from SR | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap (PDF) | SR 4-Vector &Tensor Calculator |Quantum Phase | Quotes | RuneQuest Cipher Challenge | Secret Codes &Ciphers | Scientific Calculator (complex capable) | Science+Math | Sci-Pan Pantheist Poems | Stereograms | SuperMagicSqr4x4 |Turkish Grammar |Melike Wilson Art

Welcome to Relativistic Quantum Reality: Virtual worlds of imaginary particles: The dreams stuff is made of: Life,the eternal ghost in the machine...
This site is dedicated to the quest for knowledge and wisdom,through science,mathematics,philosophy,invention,and technology. 
May the treasures buried herein spark the fires of imagination like the twinkling jewels of celestial light crowning the midnight sky...

Quantum Mechanics is derivable from Special Relativity
See SRQM-QM from SR-Simple RoadMap (.html)
See SRQM-QM from SR-Simple RoadMap (.pdf)
See SRQM-Online SR 4-Vector &Tensor Calculator
See Online Complex-capable RPN Scientific Calculator
