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Site last modified: 2021-Oct

Welcome to Relativistic Quantum Reality: Virtual worlds of imaginary particles: The dreams stuff is made of: Life, the eternal ghost in the machine...
This site is dedicated to the quest for knowledge and wisdom, through science, mathematics, philosophy, invention, and technology. 
May the treasures buried herein spark the fires of imagination like the twinkling jewels of celestial light crowning the midnight sky...

Quantum Mechanics is derivable from Special Relativity
See SRQM - QM from SR - Simple RoadMap (.html)
See SRQM - QM from SR - Simple RoadMap (.pdf)
See SRQM - QM from SR - Summary (.pdf)
See SRQM - Online SR 4-Vector & Tensor Calculator
See Online Complex-capable RPN Scientific Calculator

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See also these Math/Physics Javascript programs:

LED Circuit Simulation:
Used to measure the value of the fundamental Planck Constant (h) of Quantum Mechanics

White light, as from a candle, a fire, or the sun, has been known for several centuries to be composed of many different colors.
This property can be examined by shining such light through a prism, which then splits the light into its component parts.
A rainbow of colors is created, and in fact, the sky rainbow itself is a natural phenomenon which produces this color splitting.
Each color takes a slightly different path through the prism, or a raindrop, based on its particular WaveLength.
Classical ElectroMagnetic theory & Special Relativity show that light has [ WaveLength*Frequency = λ*ν = (c) = Speed of Light in vacuum].
Red (scarlet) = Longer WaveLength = Smaller Frequency
Violet (purple) = Shorter WaveLength = Higher Frequency
with: WaveLength (λ) = distance between each crest of the wave; Frequency (ν) = how often a wave's crests pass a given point in space.
We see that the resulting light component's color depends on its particular WaveLength.


Later, scientists figured out how to make Light-Emitting Diodes, or LED's.  Each LED type emits light of a particular WaveLength.
The differences are due to the materials used to make a particular LED.  LED's demonstrate the inverse of the PhotoElectric effect.


PhotoElectric Effect: light is shone onto a material, and if its frequency is high enough, the electrons are given energy and a current will flow.
A "stopping" voltage (related to the work function of the material) has to be applied to applied to get the current down to zero while light is shining.
The kinetic energy of the emitted electrons increases with frequency, not brightness.
The electric current increases with brightness, not frequency.
Electrons are emitted only when the frequency of the light exceeds a certain threshold, regardless of how bright it is.

LED Effect: a voltage is placed across a material, and if it is high enough, current will flow and light of a particular frequency will be emitted by the diode.
A "work function voltage" gives more energy to the photons than just the applied activation voltage across the diode.

In both cases, current or number of electrons, is directly related to the intensity of the light, not to the frequency of the light.
In both cases, voltage or the potential energy of the electrons, is related to the frequency of the light, not to the intensity of the light.
One concludes that individual electrons emit individual photons of light, with an energy related to the frequency of the photon.
By graphing the curves of activation voltage vs. inverse WaveLength, one can find a fundamental constant of nature, Planck's Constant (h).

In the experiment simulated below, Voltage is sent through a circuit, causing each type of LED to emit its own characteristic WaveLength.
Slowly increase the LED voltage with the slider bar to scan for the Activation Voltage for each type of LED...
When you see the scatter plot of Activation Voltage (AV) vs. Inverse WaveLength (WL), use the [ Calculate Slope ] button.
In the simulation, the InfraRed (IR) and UltraViolet (UV) would actually appear black to a human, but I give the outline of color to let you know when each one activates.
Also, the LED intensity of the visible colors increases with increases voltage and current flow.
You can see this effect by pushing the [ ClearCanvas (black) ] button, which simulates a dark room, which is how the experiment is actually performed.




Light Emitting Diode Colours

Typical LED Characteristics
Wavelength Colour VF @ 20mA
GaAs 850-940nm Infra-Red 1.2v
GaAsP 630-660nm Red 1.8v
GaAsP 605-620nm Amber 2.0v
GaAsP:N 585-595nm Yellow 2.2v
AlGaP 550-570nm Green 3.5v
SiC 430-505nm Blue 3.6v
GaInN 450nm White 4.0v

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a naturally-occuring LED substance
Moissanite is naturally-occuring Silicon Carbide
This proves that one doesn't "need" a QM equation to get an LED.

SRQM + Measure Planck's Constant : Four-Vector SR Quantum RoadMap
SRQM + Measure Planck's Constant : Four-Vector SR Quantum RoadMap

SiteMap of SciRealm | About John | Send email to John
John's Science, Math, Philosophy Stuff:
The Science Realm: John's Virtual Sci-Tech Universe
| 4-Vectors | Ambigrams | Antipodes | Covert Ops Fragments | Cyrillic Projector | Forced Induction (Sums Of Powers Of Integers) | Frontiers | IFS Fractals | JavaScript Graphics | JavaScript Graphics Using Table | Kid Science | Kryptos | Philosophy | Photography | Prime Sieve | QM from SR | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap (PDF) | SR 4-Vector & Tensor Calculator |Quantum Phase | Quotes | RuneQuest Cipher Challenge | Secret Codes & Ciphers | Scientific Calculator (complex capable) | Science+Math | Sci-Pan Pantheist Poems | Stereograms | SuperMagicSqr4x4 |Turkish Grammar |Melike Wilson Art

Welcome to Relativistic Quantum Reality: Virtual worlds of imaginary particles: The dreams stuff is made of: Life, the eternal ghost in the machine...
This site is dedicated to the quest for knowledge and wisdom, through science, mathematics, philosophy, invention, and technology. 
May the treasures buried herein spark the fires of imagination like the twinkling jewels of celestial light crowning the midnight sky...

Quantum Mechanics is derivable from Special Relativity
See SRQM - QM from SR - Simple RoadMap (.html)
See SRQM - QM from SR - Simple RoadMap (.pdf)
See SRQM - Online SR 4-Vector & Tensor Calculator
See Online Complex-capable RPN Scientific Calculator

***Learn, Discover, Explore***